Today I was revisiting an old audio that I found extremely interesting called the next millionaires created by Paul Zane Pilzer. For those who do not know Paul Zane Pilzer, he is an international best selling author, a presidential advisor on economic trends, a professor, and a multi millionaire economist with an MBA. He made his first million by the age of 26 and 10 million by the age of 30. He is not just an academic; he has put his knowledge into practice and achieved great success.
The next millionaires is a revelation because it highlights a transfer of wealth. Paul says, “There will be 10 million new millionaires created in the US in the years 2006-2016″.
Paul say’s the new millionaires will be created in the area of home business, direct sales, product distribution, the Internet or an emerging trillion-dollar industry like the wellness industry.
Many years ago, the product creation and product distribution costs were approximately 50% each, now with huge advancements in technology the breakdown is now 15% product creation and 85% distribution (taking it to market). Paul highlighted that the transfer of wealth is happening in the product distribution industry because the majority money is in the distribution not the creation.
Paul also says the direct sales industry is booming off the backend of this because it focuses on learning about a product or service and taking that directly to market. To create a massive business you transfer intellectual distribution, information and teaching other people to take the same product to market. To summarise, from reading The Next Millionaires you can learn about product trends, company strengths and industry. From there you will also learn how to take it to market.
The other exciting news is the emergence of the wellness industry, which is tipped to be a trillion dollar industry by the year 2010.
This is why we are so excited about what we do and what is happening in our back yard right now. We are positioned perfectly.
Look forward to speaking soon.