How To Live Life On Your Terms

  • July 31, 2014

Well I always say – Do what you want, when you want, with who you want, when you want. Live Life On Your Terms, you only get one shot and life is short. Then………….

Last week our first son came into the world 5 weeks early and threw everything into chaos. He is doing so great, very tiny but out of hospital and growing fast. It has been the highlight of my life, but now the saying kind of goes – “Do whatever you can when he is sleeping” ha ha.


But I have to say designing our life the way we have, meant that when Cruz (yes Cruz – like the name?) came home we were able to be with him 24/7 and trust me we had to be with him 24/7. If I had to go to work or if money was tight this would have been very stressful. People have said – “Aaron you are so lucky in this situation that you work from home and have your own business that generates residual income” LUCKY? No way – I designed that life many years ago.

So you see why becoming a Deck Chair Millionaire is soooo cool? As I say time and time again – If you love your job and you love your business and it pays you the exact amount you want and you also have the lifestyle that is 100% how you want it, then you are a Deck Chair Millionaire – you have made it, well done.

It is not about making a million dollars per year, having a million dollars in assets, or a million dollars in the bank NECESSARILY. It just means literally what I travel all over the world talking about – “Living Life On Your Terms” whatever that may be for you.

Im so glad I chose to do that. The time we have spent with Cruz so far and into the future is so special. Draw a line in the sand guys and make your life a Deck Chair designed life for you and your family.









Check out my Video and as always, I would love to hear your feedback.

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